Every year I get older and I take the opportunity to reflect. I think about where I am, where I'm going, and where I'd like to be. I feel content and at peace, not to be overrated these days. I get joy from my children, am happily married, and don't have too much to complain about. But there are always lessons. This year I learned a valuable lesson about true friendship.
In life, as you grow, there will be friends who come and go, but a true friend will be there forever. You may go months, without seeing or speaking to each other, but when you do, you pick up right where you left off. You feel safe placing your trust and giving your heart to a true friend because you know it will be well cared for. True friendship is not a gift to be underestimated.

This year I find myself feeling especially thankful for my true friends; the ones I can call at any hour, day or night, the ones whose laugh I have memorized for the days I'm feeling blue, the ones who are lovingly honest with me, the ones who get silly with me and make me laugh, the ones who will be in my heart forever even if they are no longer with me. To all of you friends- (you know who you are)
thank you.
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